

The automotive industry is not just about providing vehicles for transportation anymore. Each vehicle is carefully chosen by the customers for the experience it brings with itself. The industry has become heavily invested in providing intelligence, smartness, high performance, eco-friendly, audio-video experience, telematics, mobility, social media, analytics, and so on in a cost-effective manner.

Ispero provides tools and services to automotive manufacturers that leverage the power of modern technologies and help in delivering a better experience to customers in the form of reduced costs, reduced time for launching new products, enhancing existing vehicles, and so on. It also allows manufacturers to analyze collected data and gain insights into products, operations, sales, and supply chain networks.

Ispero has ventured into and gathered years of experience serving the automotive industry in areas like autonomous driving development, vehicle validation, supply chain management, visual risk management, spare part pricing, sales and marketing analytics, and more. We provide the A to Z required by automotive manufacturers to transform from car producers to mobility solution providers.

Our featured services include:

1. Automotive analytics

2. PLM, MES, and ERP solutions

3. Supply chain management

4. Predictive maintenance

5. Maintenance, repair and overhaul

6. High-performance computing

7. Industrial internet of things (IIot)

8. Virtual desktop